Veterinary Physical Exam Form

This is a 100% free and printable template for veterinary practices. This form is used to document the physical examination findings, vital signs, and overall assessment of the patient during a veterinary visit. Print it or download it as a PDF.

Veterinary Clinic

Physical Exam Form

Today's Date:
Examined By (Vet/Tech):
Patient Name:
Species & Breed:
Weight (kg/lbs):
Temperature (°F/°C):
Heart Rate (bpm):
Respiratory Rate (breaths/min):

General Appearance/Body Condition Score (BCS):

Integument (Skin & Coat):

Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat (EENT):

Oral Cavity/Mucous Membranes:

Respiratory System:

Cardiovascular System:

Gastrointestinal System:

Genitourinary System:

Musculoskeletal System:

Neurological System:

Lymph Nodes:


Assessment & Plan:

Veterinarian's Signature:

Download or print this template under the Customize Template section.

A Veterinary Physical Exam Form is a structured document used to record a pet’s vital signs, general appearance, and the condition of each bodily system during an exam. It helps ensure all important aspects of a pet’s health are evaluated and documented.
Using this form provides a clear, organized method to capture critical health observations, enabling consistent patient evaluation and better-informed clinical decisions. It also serves as a reference for comparing past and future exams.
A licensed veterinarian or veterinary technician typically completes this form. The information recorded may involve observations from both the vet team and the owner regarding the pet’s behavior or environment.
This form is used during routine check-ups, wellness visits, annual physical exams, or whenever a detailed assessment of the pet’s condition is required (e.g., before surgeries or during illness).